gnuplot demo plots

Gnuplot comes with a large collection of demonstration plots. You can step through these interactively by typing the command below in gnuplot's demo/ directory — it should be part of your installation, otherwise get it from the source code archive or file-by-file from the git repository.
    gnuplot> load "all.dem"

Hint: you can get a single big PDF file of all the demo plots by the following sequence of commands, followed by hitting <enter> many times.

    gnuplot> set terminal pdf
    gnuplot> set output "all_demos.pdf"
    gnuplot> load "all.dem"
More practical on systems with a linux-like shell is the single line command
    gnuplot -e "set term pdf" all.dem < /bin/yes > all_demos.pdf

Indexed online versions of the demos are available by clicking below:

Version 5.4 demos Development version (5.5)

External collections of gnuplot graphs

Gnuplot in daily use

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